This Day

This day is hard…. the weekend popped my happy balloon.

Today the job awaits ….  and is heavier than I know how to carry.

The people who challenge me most…. drew me into their rabbit hole once again.

The pile of bills ….paid for the month?  “Yes”.  Will the grand totals ever shrink?  It feels like “No”.

So it seems …………

I have no choice……….

But to give thanks for these very things………..

… the weighty job

… those who like rabbit holes

… debts that shrink slow………

Because these are the very things that make me press in, seek wisdom, trust more.

“Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you” 1 Peter 5:7

10 thoughts on “This Day

  1. You conveyed your feelings well – a note of desperation, yet acceptance. This is the day which the Lord hath made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. Psa 118:24. Question about the rabbit holes, maybe that would be worth a more explanatory post? Sounds like an interesting topic, makes me curious. Hope your week is more encouraging than your Monday morning! hang in there…


    1. Believe it or not, I say that scripture first thing every morning….probably should have focused on it a little harder today 🙂 The rabbit hole – an interesting topic for sure. I’m thinking on that. Thanks, Maureen 🙂


  2. Sue

    And sometimes, like when learning to play golf, what we may need to do is stop squeezing the grip so hard. May your day and your week be brighter.


  3. So glad we have a God who we can cast our cares and anxieties on! I understand the rabbit holes and bills! Let’s together carry those to the foot of the cross and leave them there. I will say a prayer for you!
    May you find many more blessings in the coming week!
    (visiting from Ann’s place)
    I agree with maureen, rabbit holes sounds like a good name for a post, and I bet you could find a picture to go with it 🙂


  4. Brooke, I worked in my parent’s business for many years; it was a difficult job, indeed. The rabbit hole analogy applied in my case, too.
    I am going to say a special prayer for you…and hope things get better.
    Ephesians 6:10 “Finally, be strong in the Lord, and in His might power.”
    I pray you feel His strength and love for you.
    Take care,


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