staying the path

February 22nd, we had a light snowfall.  It was over and beginning to melt by mid-morning.

Normally I avoid the area, blaming it for the worst case of poison oak EVER.  But on this day I walked up behind the shop, clicked a few pictures and moved on about my business.  It wasn’t until looking at the photos later that I saw the pathway thru the trees.


We have some very hungry deer that come into the yard.  Judging by all the apples and blueberries we humans did not get to eat last year, they walk that path a lot!

Been thinking about paths lately.  And how hard it can be to stay on one.  You know where you want it to go, where someone says it will go, you may even believe it’s a path God placed you on.

You can plan and prepare, hope and visualize.  Sometimes you focus and drive hard.  Then sometimes, stop and stay right where you are.  The path’s too narrow to see well.  The going’s slow.  It feels as if there is no progress at all.

After Billy Graham died, I read an article on how he studied the Bible.  First on the list was that he read all the Psalms and the book of Proverbs thru each month.  I’d been trying to do the same and it was encouraging to know he gave them such importance.

My book cases and unpacked boxes reveal a variety of authors, interests and points of view, which I enjoy.  But when it’s 4 a.m. and my heart aches for a child, or I don’t understand the why of a problem, or I’ve been a little too whiny about all the cooking and cleaning lately and feel like a creep, or I just miss my Dad… this one book, is the only one that answers me.

It’s kind of funny because the same words have shown up on the printed page for centuries. But when I pick it up to read it never fails to show me something new, remind me of something I forgot to remember, give hope, wisdom, correction, peace, direction.

It never fails to point the way, or encourage the journey… on the path.

I guess if it’s good enough for Billy, it’s good enough for me.


2 thoughts on “staying the path

  1. Gene Williams (my e-mail is not working at this time)

    Brooke, I am certain the path you are on is going in the right direction. You are being guided by a book that will keep you centered on the correct path and help direct you when you are uncertain as to which way to go. Like you, I have much respect for “America’s Pastor”, Billy Graham. I enjoyed your Sunday Post. 🙂


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