Filling in the Sky


I’ve been ruminating on Holley’s invitation to join the pursuit of a “God-sized Dream”.

My God-sized Dream.

I’m to wrap that dream with words today.  Seriously.  Not as easy as I thought it would be.

What I dream about has changed so much.  Like when I was six… and wanted to be a cowboy.  Since I was a girl, that dream died a sad death.  Then it was an actress, a journalist, research scientist, author, farmer, off the grid survivalist (but not crazy weird or anything), quilter (I have yet to make a complete quilt)…

So after a whole lot of years of living, I’ve ended up with a cowboy hat full of broken, lost, half-completed, ignored, hazy dreams.

This year I must focus.  On the dream.  Because the years left are fewer than I care to think about.

So I’m looking at this God-sized dream thing like the jigsaw puzzle we started over Christmas.  I promised my parents I’d finish it and send them a picture.  All that’s left is the sky.

But it’s all so blue and same and shapeless and vague.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

So the best words I can wrap around my God-sized dream are these:

I will live joyfully each day regardless of circumstance.  I will write about these days in a way that honors God… with a goal to share hope and encouragement.

I finished the puzzle this evening.

And wouldn’t you know it… there’s a piece missing.  It’s ok.  That’s the one God will fill in.



23 thoughts on “Filling in the Sky


    lol. Of course! isn’t that the way it always is. haha

    This gets me thinking though……that’s some thing we could do at our mcgillivray gatherings….that is if other’s like puzzles. It’s not board games 😉 but its something that can be done while we sit & chat. perhaps a good compromise


  2. What a great goal…“…live joyfully each day regardless of circumstance…write about these days in a way that honors God…with a goal to share hope and encouragement.”
    Thanks for sharing.


  3. A very worthwhile ‘God sized dream’! I like your analogy for the missing puzzle piece. I also like the expression on Holley’s blog of “God infused moments”, when he “intersects our lives”.


    1. Appreciate your good words, Carol. As I struggled to find words for the post and the dream…. and then found I had a missing puzzle piece, I thought “this can’t be!”. But yes it can, and I sat down and wrote. Funny how He uses these things 🙂


  4. Rosanne

    Love the missing puzzle piece analogy! (although I always drives me crazy when I finish a puzzle and can’t find the missing piece). Can’t wait to see where God leads you!


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